Canggu (pronounced Chan-goo), is a cool little surf town nestled into the rice terraces of western Bali. We arrived here after two long weeks of battling dengue fever and fell in love with its laid back vibe and international contingent of surfers and artists. I was finally beginning to feel better and could actually eat one or two small meals per day. Upon checking into our place, we found a woman in our already booked and paid room and had to evict her as the manager was not on site...not such a good start. When we finally got settled, we quickly confirmed our previous thoughts about going sans air conditioning. I am not ashamed to say we only lasted one night before moving to a hotel down the road. Of course the five howling dogs outside our window helped us in this decision. Being closer to the beach, restaurants, and shops suits us better and we could walk to Echo Beach in five minutes. The surf was breaking most of the days we were there but there was a significant amount of rain also. On those days we hung out at a mexican cantina sipping drinks and watching the world go by. Our last day there the rain unexpectedly cleared and gave us a stunning day and sunset to remember Bali by. To navigate, choose an image and use the arrow keys to move forward/backwards ~ on iPad/Mobile devices, select an image and swipe
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I have spent the last week fighting dengue fever so I will keep this brief. Severe exhaustion began monday afternoon and I slept for the next 72 hours almost uninterrupted. Imagine a bad hangover for 6 days straight. I am just now able to keep down a small amount of food but energy level is non existent. I haven't been shooting or even leaving the room all week so I will leave you with a group of images from the first couple weeks here, with a couple from final days in Thailand and Singapore for good measure. I hope to be feeling better for our move to Canggu this week and def hopeful that my health will return for the flight to Sri Lanka on Feb 15. To navigate, choose an image and use the arrow keys to move forward/backwards ~ on iPad/Mobile devices, select an image and swipe